Why FlexiBees is the best hiring partner for Startups

Numbers don’t lie. 
In this post I could talk about how truly we believe in giving our clients the best possible talent and models that unlocks growth for them, how madly we work to achieve that and how deeply we understand the problems that lack of good talent can cause for startups. 
But this is not a truly madly deeply song. 
And while hips don’t lie, lips can. So we will let the numbers do the talking here. 
Any founder who says they don’t mind spending 40-50 hours spent hiring talent should pat themselves on the back because they have done the impossible, and they should start another company because of all the extra time they have. This company should probably sell tools or wisdom on time management. 
But seriously though, founder, you will get to interview the candidates we give you, and select or reject them as per what you want for your company, it’s just that you won’t have to suffer the tedium that comes before that. Your time is more precious than that of the POTUS, who at the end of the day is trying to make only America great again. You on the other hand are trying to change the world.
Imagine a mountain with a craggy bottom and a tough climb to the top. The climb though tough has to be made because at top lie some hippogriffs that you hope to fly away on foreign lands to. The climb is obstacle-ridden though you being the fighter that you are, are gearing up for it - harness, helmet, cord and compass, all in place. But mid pep-talk, the mountain face opens and out pops Dobby the elf, he gives you a luminescent yellow rock with a button on it that you need to press, and once done, he says it will take you to the top in the blink of an eye. You press the button, and lo and behold, you are at the top! Hippogriffs, as promised, are waiting, ready for flight.
You don’t have to be a genius to know that in this story you are the intrepid adventurer, we are Dobby the elf (we are freed don’t worry), and the magical hippogriffs are the talent we can get you to without you having to make the rocky climb, one irrelevant resume at a time. 
On a serious note, we at FlexiBees pride ourselves on having built a selection process that uses multiple touchpoints and a multitude of responses to find the talent that best fits your requirement. This is the one differentiator (vs say, job-boards, marketplaces), that we have painstakingly built and will continue to retain (and enhance) even as we scale.  
While the previous two statistics were about how we do things, this one has the hidden truth of why we do it, of why businesses come to us. While in life 40 may be the new 30, in the world of flexible work, 40 or 80 or 100 hours are the new full-time. Not only are they easy on your pocket and fit the stage your company is at, they also enable high-productivity on account of the expertise they bring. 
In summary, I did manage to write quite a bit of prose. In my defense, it was largely for entertainment purposes, feel free to ignore. What I do ask you to pay attention to are these numbers. 
And if you like them, we are here, waiting for you. To introduce you to your best-fit flexi talent. 

FlexiBees has provided companies, both startups and established players, with part-time talent for many projects and roles; across a variety of functions & skill-sets like Marketing, Digital Marketing, Public Relations, Investment Banking, Inside Sales, Business Development, Technology, Content Writing, Graphic Design, etc. All these companies have benefited by being able to hire high quality talent at pricing optimised only for the hours of work they need. Many of these have converted to ongoing roles (also part-time) with everyone being satisfied with the arrangement.

So if you have a job requirement, take 2 minutes to fill our form and we will get back pronto.