Skyrocket your business with expert, part-time, and remote talent

Save 90% of your hiring time. Leave the search and vetting to us.

Contact Us

Tell us your requirement:
Our BD Manager will get in touch with you within 24 hours
Interview curated profiles:
We will send you profiles, after a deep vetting process, to match your exact business need
Sign a quick & easy contract and get started!

Frequently Asked Questions

FlexiBees curates only vetted and highly experienced talent who are self starters. We ensure we get a sense check of their working style through our selection process before presenting the candidates to our clients.

Here are a few factors that will make a significant difference,

Mature experienced pool: Our talent pool of amazing women professionals has an average experience of 7 years and is very keen to work. Generally they have worked for multiple companies during their career and have the acumen to understand your company’s culture and vision.

Holistic selection: We do an inhouse deep selection to get the right talent, not just for skills but also for things like time availability, commitment, work ethic – that are make or break for flexible engagements

Our day-to-day business experience: We ourselves are a fully remote org since day 1 with our 40 member team working from different cities and even countries. We understand how to select for success in this space.

Flexibility of our models: Our models allow you to try, with starter contract durations being 3 months long, and if during that time there are any teething troubles we will help resolve it, and in the unlikely worst case, we will provide a replacement free of cost.

The business results of our part-time, remote, and experienced talent easily surpasses the output of interns/full time talent with limited experience.

Hiring only for the hours you need conserves your resources (as you pay only for part-time hours) while helping achieve your business goals through the experience that the talent brings.

It also conserves the time you would have spent training an intern or a fresher, which is an immense overhead to absorb when you are a growing company and need productivity from the first day. Experienced talent brings this productivity.

They also bring other things by virtue of their past professional experiences, a certain work-ethic, the ability to interact with other team members and stakeholders with maturity, and the ability to lead teams.

In our experience the best way to track whether the work-from-home talent is working or not is to focus on the output/deliverables. Another way is to put in place trackers that make sense for your business/function and that will help you look at the input effort that goes in. Regular reviews or catch-ups with your team also reveal a lot on the effort that is put in.

On our part, we will provide low-touch management tools such as time-trackers to ensure you have a good sense of the hours that are going in.

But most importantly, the remote talent we give you will have been vetted through our rigorous selection process, not just for skills but also for parameters such as time availability, commitment, work-ethic. Hiring right is the biggest enabler to business results, far superior than tracking & monitoring.

While this may be the first time you are hiring remotely, rest assured that you will be joining a growing number of businesses that have reaped huge benefits from it. They have been able to hire from experienced pools such as qualified women and skilled experts who prefer to work flexibly as a life choice; who with their industry experience will help you grow your business while taking up fewer company resources. Whether it is blended teams (where some team members are in office, while others work remotely) or fully-remote teams, the productivity remains optimal with the right talent on your side.

Apart from this, we take full talent responsibility, and if there is a problem, we will try and resolve it with you and in the remote likelihood that it not able to be resolved, we will provide a replacement free of cost

The following process is followed by us to ensure that we meet your requirements quickly and to your satisfaction,

  • BD manager will understand your requirement in more detail
  • Will send a proposal in a couple of days, which will have sample profiles and pricing. Sample profiles so you get a flavor of our talent, and see the kind of professionals we have for your requirement
  • Once you are aligned on profiles and pricing, we will start our recruitment process. This is a multi touch point process we have designed over the last 3.5 years, that not only matches for skills but also things like time availability, commitment, work ethic etc
  • We will have 1-2 very targeted candidate profiles per role from our selection process, that we will send to you. We will help you schedule interviews with them
  • If you like them post the interview, we will do a contract within a day, and once there is a sign-off in place, we can immediately launch

We offer,

  • Part-time and Remote Talent for On-going Roles
  • Full-time and Remote Talent for On-going Roles
  • Remote Consultants for Short Duration Projects

A majority of our roles and projects are remote, however if needed we can have a few days of face to face interaction built in, e.g. a couple of days in a month, etc. This narrows our pool down obviously, but can be done.

We also have a sales model that is part remote and part face to face. Where the reach-outs and pipeline building is done remotely to set up client meetings. The meetings can be face to face.

Our USP is that we take on the onus of doing the end-to-end selection ourselves, which

  • Saves time and effort for our clients (For example, on marketplaces and job boards you will get ~50 applications in the first week, and 200+ in the next couple of weeks, which will take a lot of time and effort to sift through)
  • Helps us match not just for skills but also for flexible working ability which includes checking for time availability, commitment etc. This is crucial to the success of a flexible engagement
  • Helps us match for more complex roles like Sales, Marketing, Investment Banking over and above more standard roles like content writing, design, etc.
  • Enables us to support those businesses that don’t have full-fledged HR teams. Our doing the selection inhouse helps them hire intelligently for all functions.

It’s different for different functions, roles and levels. It’s built into the final pricing that you will see after speaking to our BD Manager. Even with our margin, if you hire a part-time professional, you will end up saving 40-60% of the cost vs hiring a full-time professional of the same caliber. Moreover, we ensure our candidates are happy with the remuneration they receive. So please rest assured our margins are nominal and only enough to allow us to provide to you the service level and quality that you deserve.

Our standard contracts start at 3 months, that can be mutually renewed. For projects, we can start at 30-40 hours per month onwards.

Client testimonials