Aim for Big Growth in 2019, here is how

As a small business trying to grow, my biggest learning over the last two years has been that there is no one big lever to making a company successful. It needs good direction, great talent, quick execution, the right partnerships, steady clients, some funding, and that magical something that is vision or passion or purpose that breathes life into it. Oh, and luck.
Phew!! Is quite a list.
But today, poised at the edge of the rollercoaster that 2019 is likely to be, let me make your day - by promising to take one crucial thing off your plate from the mix above. Yes, that’s right - you figure your strategy, do your huddles, jet off to investor meetings, strike deals with collaborators, do the tango with high-potential clients, get epiphanies in the middle of the night, fuel your passion, jog daily on the path of purpose WHILE we at FlexiBees, take care of finding you great talent.
On a serious note, we are a 2-year old company that provides high quality talent on a part-time or project-basis to businesses, via women who want to return to work. We have a pool of 10000+ professionals across functions with an average of ~7 years of experience, but more importantly perhaps, we have the know-how to filter and match that finds you that one person you and your business is looking for. We do the match using a mix of various tools & techniques to ensure you don’t have to wade through stacks of resumes, or speak with multitudes, to find someone who’s a good fit for you. We take care of all of it and it’s done quickly, so before you can finish evaluating the pros and cons of hiring part-time talent, we have already found you somebody great, who can start working for you the next day, and is not only experienced but affordable (that’s one pro of hiring part-time talent). Our clients love us, and not only because we make their lives easier but because we give them talent that is not easy to find and that helps accelerate their pace.
On a super serious note, we are committed to helping create a flexi working ecosystem that helps businesses, big or small, find high-quality, best-fit, cost-effective talent who then go on to do some of the best work of their lives because they are given flexibility - the greatest gift for talented women (or parents) looking to work while being able to balance their families.
It’s a win-win for real.
That’s it from me. Have a great 2019, aim for the stars, and make your life as a founder / entrepreneur / manager / overall big-shot, a little bit easier. Come to FlexiBees.
FlexiBees has provided companies, both startups and established players, with part-time talent for many projects and roles; across a variety of functions & skill-sets like Marketing, Digital Marketing, Public Relations, Investment Banking, Inside Sales, Business Development, Technology, Content Writing, Graphic Design, etc. All these companies have benefited by being able to hire high quality talent at pricing optimised only for the hours of work they need. Many of these have converted to ongoing roles (also part-time) with everyone being satisfied with the arrangement.